* Welcome
* Registration
* Category Awards
* Voting
* Parade
We are excited to have you part of the first year of the Ludington Golf Cart Show. With any first year show we expect this show to grow more and more over the years. Your participation in the first year of the show means you are committed to helping us grow it, but also, and hopefully excited, about winning one of the crystal trophies. The information below should provide you with any details that you might have been missing to get you ready for this year’s show. If you have any questions at all please do not to hesitate to reply back to this email. Also, if you know someone that would still like to participate in the show, we can take a few more carts and they can register at, but please have them do that soon so we can work on final details by tomorrow afternoon.
REGISTRATION: Please avoid driving on S. James Street, but instead park on Rath. You’ll be able to drive your cart into the closed off street of W. Foster from the Rath side. There will be a check-in table there and someone to direct you to where you can park your golf cart for show display purposes. They will provide a large printed number for display on the FRONT of your cart so that those who are voting can clearly identify your cart by number. We ask you to check-in around 5pm but be in place no later than 5:30pm please. First come, best placements so get there early please. As mentioned on the website, this is a free show, but we will have water for sale for $1 a bottle.
CATEGORY AWARDS: We have 8 beautiful crystal trophies that will be awarded around 7:30pm. The categories consist of: Best Overall Modified, Best Theme, Best Hometown Pride, Best Work in Progress, Cleanest, Best Feature, Best Use of Homemade Supplies, Farthest Traveled Cart. You’ll be able to take home these awards this Friday night and we will recognize you and your cart during the show.
VOTING: This year, we will have cards available at the registration table that the public will pick up and fill out a number that corresponds with their choice for that category. Those cards will be handed back in at the registration table and tallied throughout the evening. Once voting closes at 7:30pm we will begin to announce the winners. We encourage you to vote as well. We understand this is a first year show and we will work on making it better each and every year and so after the show, we’ll ask for your feedback in a follow-up email including your opinion on the voting process.
PARADE: Just shortly before 8pm we will line everyone up and begin our annual parade wrap-up by following each other through some of the streets of Ludington. The route will be Rath to Loomis to Gaylord, cross over Ludington Ave, to Fitch, cross over Lakeshore, thru the beach parking lot toward Loomis, and then go our separate ways once to Loomis/entrance of boat launch lot. We do have to ensure we obey traffic signs and laws as we go. We are really looking for this to be a great start of growing the golf cart show and parade over the years and want to thank you for being part of it.